Wednesday, August 19, 2020



I heard the words the actor spoke,
Of years he spent in therapy,
For as a kid, his feelings hid,
The world was great, you see.

At least that’s what his mother said,
No matter what was real,
You didn’t say when life was sad,
But hid the way you feel.

Her faith taught her to say life’s great,
He knew it wasn’t so,
Why did his mom play such pretend?
Why always fake a glow?

This mixed up boy was now a man,
His mother’s words still heard,
He couldn’t say when life was bad,
Thoughts were shoved all inward.

There was one way to get him through,
He covered life with comedy,
He placed the mask upon his face…
Except in therapy.

Is it so wrong to say we’re sad?
Why must we always color life?
Some days the sun’s behind the clouds,
Some days there’s only strife.

Is being real that great a sin,
Why must we wear that tired mask,
Spend endless years in therapy
And only there unmask.

So many are like this actor,
They turn to comedy,
And pretend that all is laughter…
But within found crazy.

*The interview seen was with Robin Williams
whose mother belonged to a religion that
always declared that life was great
no matter the circumstance. He admitted to
years spent in therapy.

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