Wednesday, August 19, 2020



I walk slower now, it’s certain…
No more need to hurry,
For where is it I’m headed now…
If not the lonely grave.

My thoughts, I find, they wander back…
Some place called yesteryear,
I see a young girl singing there…
I’ve long forgot the song.

I see the path she travels on…
I scream, do not go there,
I see the jagged stone ahead…
The path to her unseen.

My thoughts return reality…
Still no need to hurry,
I take a look down at my feet…
I feel the need to run.

I want to catch the fleeting time…
Cause today to linger,
And as I view the path I took…
I see God’s plan within.

I reach to savor moments now…
Not grasp large clumps of time,
Each golden sunrise, clutch to me…
For I see tomorrow.

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