Monday, September 21, 2020



Born to cry, old tired eyes,
Whose tears have carved the river
That runs deeply through the heart,
And through sorrow … grown so wise.
Born to break, old fragile heart,
And left behind its shattered pieces.
Blood now flows upon the ground …
With blackened stain and morbid art.
Born to be barren, unfilled womb,
Whose space cries out for little limbs …
Attached to cord that flow’s life’s blood,
And fill with life, the empty tomb.
Born into sorrow, weary soul,
That walks this earth of jagged stone
And awaits the call of mercy …
That hears your mournful, constant moan.
Born onto life, oh deaden one,
Who pleads for mercy at the throne.
Blood shed to give you … life eternal
And your sin, for you atone.

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