Monday, July 13, 2020


Will your hands be empty
On that day you stand before him?
No crown to lay down at his feet;
None in your hand you carry?

 Will he say, "Well done my child,
Your work on earth, you did it well"?
Or when you see him, be only shame,
For the things of God that you defiled?

 Will you have slipped quietly through the cracks
Because of his mercy by grace he saved?
Did never once you take the time to praise
Or thank him for writing your name on his plaque?

 Will your hands be empty on that day;
No seeds you sowed for him to harvest?
Did you help anyone to come to know him
Or kneel down with him; a sinner's prayer to pray?

 Lord, may your word that is sent forth,
Not return empty that flow from our lips;
May they be multiplied a hundred fold
In the East, the West, the South and North.

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