Sunday, November 22, 2020



I sat within the valley deep
with mountains all around
and didn't see the upward path
that God for me had found.
Around in darkness stumbled blind
and failed to see the light
that shone upon the given path
on which I could alight.
The mountains loomed and overwhelmed,
in darkness there I laid,
until my eyes came off the ground
and saw the path He made.
With weary steps begun to climb,
with feet upon each ledge,
and often felt the way too steep
when feet stood on the edge.
When eyes looked down into the valley
and gazed on where I'd been,
my upward steps seemed paralyzed
and light ahead grew dim.
With eyes again placed on the light,
the mountains overcome,
I look upon my callous feet
and see how far I've come.
I give the valleys quickened glance,
while mountaintops ignored,
and soon I find the summit see...
when eyes stay on the Lord.

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